Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings Wiki

The Wit is an ability found throughout the Six Duchies. It allows the practitioners to feel a connection to all living things.


The Wit was long a despised magic in the Six Duchies. This hate seems to stem from the story of the Piebald Prince.

There are many misconceptions about the Wit.


Abilities include:

- Allowing the user to create a telepathic link to an animal and share thoughts and senses with it

- Sensing the life force of individuals

- Creating a repelling force that manifests as a an ability to crumple an opponent's strength, often bringing them to their knees

- Creating a reciprocal attraction that manifests as a feeling of closeness and trust between the user and the target

- Creating walls against the repelling force of other wit-users

- Detecting other practitioners of the Wit

- Housing the soul of one of the two in a wit bond in the body of the other so that the body may survive otherwise mortal injury
